Friday, October 16, 2009

Que Asco!

Last night I can say I experienced something I never had before! LJ and I walked into our host family´s home to see our 7 year old sister munching on something in a good sided clear tub. I asked her what she was eating and she handed the tub to me and LJ. LJ almost lost her ¨comida¨at the smell but I looked and couldn´t believe what I saw! In this tub was probably three hundred dried minnows. My little sister was just munching on them like they were fries.
Well.... I promised myself when I got here that I would try everything that was put in front of me. Here goes nothing. I truly almost threw up. The minnow wasn´t that bad until I got to the head. I don´t know if it was because it actually tasted bad or it was just the thought of eating fish eyes that made me gag but gag I did.
I guess it wasn´t that bad... At least I gave my host family a huge laugh!

1 comment:

Margie said...

You made my stomach turn!! That sounds like something Sean would do!!