Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Birthday SEAN!!!!

For those of you who don´t believe the saying absence makes the heart grow fonder you have definitely not had a loved one half way around the world, literally.
Today is Sean´s birthday. If you don't know who Sean is than you don't know me well enough. I am so lucky to have had Sean in my life. I am who I am today because I know him!
Happy Birthday Sean! Thank you for doing exactly what you are doing!
con todo mi corazon


Melissa said...

Who's Sean?

Anonymous said...


I love following your blog! It looks like you're having a blast teaching in Mexico! I'm excited for you to go to Europe next summer! Lots of pics girly :) This is the cutest post ever! You two are adorable :) I better get an invite to your wedding. You are so supportive and I admire your relationship with him. I believe it...absence does make the heart grow fonder. Crazy how it works isn't it? LOVE YOU! Let's catch up!
